Guides - News - DauThau.Net

Instructions for posting the full form of notice inviting tenders

Instructions for posting the full form of notice inviting tenders

  •   10/23/2023 5:36 PM
  •   Viewed: 196
The following article will guide you on posting the full bidding notice on the DauThau.Net private bidding network system. Let's look at the article.
Upload the tender notice in a brief form

Upload the tender notice in a brief form

  •   10/21/2023 11:46 AM
  •   Viewed: 173
This article DauThau.Net will guide you how to post a bidding notice in a brief form on the DauThau.Net system, refer now to know how to do it!
Instructions for posting the Contractor Selection Plan

Instructions for posting the Contractor Selection Plan

  •   10/21/2023 11:36 AM
  •   Viewed: 159
The following article will guide you in posting the Contractor Selection Plan during the operation process on the private bidding network DauThau.Net.
Instructions for posting projects

Instructions for posting projects

  •   10/21/2023 10:39 AM
  •   Viewed: 195
To post your project to the private bidding network - DauThau.Net, you need to follow the instructions below. Follow the article now to know how to do it!
Instruct the bidding party to upgrade the software package on DauThau.Net

Instruct the bidding party to upgrade the software package on DauThau.Net

  •   10/21/2023 9:36 AM
  •   Viewed: 163
Is your business having difficulty upgrading software packages? Businesses don't know how to solve this problem? Don't worry, the following article of DauThau.Net will guide you in detail on how to upgrade the software package? Let's follow along to learn how to upgrade the software package.
Pay the document maintenance fee on the private bidding network

Pay the document maintenance fee on the private bidding network

  •   10/19/2023 4:45 PM
  •   Viewed: 180
This article will guide you to pay maintenance fees for your business profile so you can conduct private bidding on DauThau.Net.
Instructions for authenticating personal/expert profiles

Instructions for authenticating personal/expert profiles

  •   10/16/2023 10:14 PM
  •   Viewed: 583
The private bidding network DauThau.Net allows the use of personal profiles to invite bids and receive bidding information as an independent entity with businesses, individual business households or teams/groups. Therefore, authenticating personal/expert profiles is one of the important steps that allow individuals to participate in bidding/inviting bids on DauThau.Net. It also allows users to create personal brands on the internet. The following article will guide you to authenticate your personal/expert profile on DauThau.Net.
Instructions for creating a business profile

Instructions for creating a business profile

  •   10/16/2023 7:33 AM
  •   Viewed: 948
The following article will provide detailed instructions on how to create a business profile to participate in bidding on the first private bidding network in Vietnam: DauThau.Net
Instructions for registering an account & logging in, on DauThau.Net

Instructions for registering an account & logging in, on DauThau.Net

  •   10/16/2023 9:00 AM
  •   Viewed: 240
The following article will guide you how to create an account and log in to Vietnam's first private bidding network. Monitor right to be able to log in/register information on DauThau.Net easily.
for turning onoff the business profile linking feature on DauThau Net

Instructions for turning on/off the business profile linking feature on DauThau.Net

  •   10/16/2023 7:30 AM
  •   Viewed: 157
In the Open Beta 1 version of DauThau.Net, just launched on April 6, 2021, there is a very cool new feature that has just been updated to help contractors a lot during use when participating in bidding. That is the feature of linking business profile information. So how is this feature used? Let's take a look at DauThau.Net's article to answer this question.
Instruct the bidding party to open bids and clarify bid documents on DauThau.Net

Instruct the bidding party to open bids and clarify bid documents on DauThau.Net

  •   09/23/2023 11:43 AM
  •   Viewed: 177
The article below will guide businesses on how to open bids and clarify bid documents on the private bidding network DauThau.Net.
Instructions for decentralizing management and use of business records

Instructions for decentralizing management and use of business records

  •   09/14/2023 2:15 PM
  •   Viewed: 187
With DauThau.Net, decentralizing management and use of business records will be done very easily. You just need to follow the instructions that we share in the following article.
Instructions for authenticating business records

Instructions for authenticating business records

  •   09/14/2023 10:35 AM
  •   Viewed: 205
The following article will guide you on authenticating business records to be able to conduct bidding on the private bidding network DauThau.Net.
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