Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
Check application status
After creating your business profile according to the instructions here, to check the status of your profile, do the following: At the menu Members > Manage profile/expert, at Status we will see the profile status (Not authenticated or verified) see Picture 1.
Picture 1. Status of the profile
Verify profile
Step 1: At Display (Picture 1) > click Authenticated
Step 2: At Scan certificate of business registration > Upload relevant documents to the system including Business Registration Certificate or Business Establishment Decision (scanned copy) > click Send authentication profile.
Picture 2. Upload profile for authentication
Step 3: Check your email to see the status of your application. If you receive a notification email as shown in Picture 3, your application has been successfully authenticated.
Picture 3. Authenticated status message
Above is an article instructing on Authenticating business records on Vietnam's first private bidding network DauThau.Net. In case you need support, please contact us immediately: