Nhấn VÀO ĐÂY để chuyển bài viết sang bản tin tiếng Việt
To create a search filter to proactively "hunt" for bidding information, follow these steps:
First, you need to register an account on DauThau.Net software to be able to use the software's functions.
See more: Instructions for registering an account & logging in on DauThau.Net
After successfully registering and logging in to your account, you can choose to buy packages B-VIP1, B-VIP2 to search for bidding information using automatic filters. For B-VIP1, B-VIP2 you will have automatic filters and automatic notification via email.
See more: Instructions for registering to use the VIP package on DauThau.Net
For accounts that have not yet upgraded to a B-VIP account, you can still refer to this article to learn how to use DauThau.Net's "Advanced Search" function more effectively.
Step 4: Install filter
To create a complete filter, there are many information fields that you must declare for the most effective and accurate lookup. Therefore, you need to clearly understand the meaning and effects of the following information fields:
Type of search information: In this section you can choose search information including:
Tender notice
Contractor selection plan
Project management
*** Note: Depending on each posted bidding package, the above information items will be provided. Some bidding packages only have the Bid Invitation Notice and Contractor Selection Plan posted, so it is recommended that contractors search for these two pieces of information. If not, then change the type of information.
Main keywords: Is the keyword that will be included in the returned results or absent if you request additional information in the next information fields.
*** Note: You are not required to enter this information field. For each search keyword you separate with a "," (comma), you can enter up to 5 keywords in this box. You should also not use single-word keywords, because the result will be a lot of unrelated bids. When setting any keyword, DauThau.info software will search and filter this keyword in all text and characters of all bidding packages. So if you leave a single keyword, there will be countless results that do not meet your needs!
Search period: As the name suggests, you can choose the time to search for the information you need. In some cases, if you do not have a specific timeline, you should change this timeline accordingly to get the desired search results.
Absolute search: When you check this box, the software will understand that you want to search exactly for the information you have filled in other information fields, including punctuation, keyword content and typographical errors.
For example you fill in: Main keyword: Construction. Then, if you check the absolute search box, the software will produce results with the exact keyword "Construction".
Additional keywords: Keywords entered in this data field will be required in the bidding package. If you enter 5 keywords, all 5 keywords are required keywords. This keyword field can be used to limit the geographic area that receives bid information.
For example, you fill in: Main keywords: Construction, Construction, Design; Additional keywords: software. The software will produce results that must include the keyword "software" and may or may not contain the 3 main keywords "Construction, Construction, Design"
*** Note: You should not use too many keywords in this field, because the rate of bidding packages containing the same keywords will be very low, or even no results will be found. If you want to localize by area, you can put additional keywords here for the area you need to search.
For example: If you want to find a bidding package in Hanoi, just put the additional keyword: "Hanoi" and not "Hanoi City" or "Hanoi, Hung Yen" (Photo 1.4)Does not contain words: All information with keywords entered in this data field will not appear in the returned search results. Use this field when the search results contain a lot of information that does not meet your needs or is not related to the profession you need. The maximum number of keywords is 5 keywords.
Form: Open Bidding or Limited Bidding, leave it alone if you want to search by both.
Field of Contractor Selection: You choose according to your business information, if you do not choose, the default software is "All"
Methods and Types of Contracts:You choose according to your business information, if you do not choose, the default software is "All"
Here, you can also quickly edit the filter you have set up by clicking on the edit filter information button or clicking on "YOUR FILTER" for quick access to the filter management page to update and edit necessary information.
Step 2: At profileIndividual/Expert, click on the funnel icon in section Operation (see Photo 1.6)
Step 3: At the screen Manage filters, you perform Select business want to synchronize filters.
Step 4: To synchronize filters, click Come in
Above are DauThau.Net's shares on how to create search filters on DauThau.Net and how to synchronize filters (from DauThau.info software to DauThau.Net) to help contractors "hunt" for information. proactive bidding. Hopefully with the above instructions and suggestions, contractors will use search filters more effectively.
If you need support with issues related to private bidding as well as DauThau.Net software packages, please contact a consultant immediately for the fastest and most timely consulting support!
For further information, please contact:
Author: Nguyen Bich Thuy
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